• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cough or sneeze into the bend of your arm
  • Avoid touching surfaces people touch often
  • Instead of a handshake, give a friendly wave or elbow bump
  • Use any necessary personal protective equipment, as directed.

Science & Technology

Nanobots will plug our cerebrums straight into the cloud 

Tech of things to come: nanobots. He accepts, that by the 2050, nanobots will plug our minds straight into the cloud, it will give us full drenching augmented simulation from inside the sensory system. Much the same as we do know with our cell phones, we will have the option to do it with our cerebrums, we'll have the option to extend our neocortex in the cloud. Furthermore, disregard memory issues, proof issues, and so on.

Individuals resurrection through AI 

Sounds frightening, I know! What's more, likely a large portion of the strict individuals will be very against it, in any case,

Kurzweil says that we will have the option to "bring back" our family members through man-made brainpower.

He says that by 2050, we'll have the option to send nanobots into individuals' minds to separate recollections of friends and family. Expand that with a DNA examining of the perished, and it will be conceivable to make a persuading virtual variant of someone who's passed on. On the off chance that you are keen on it, there is a film about it: the revelation.

Computer based intelligence will turn into a positive net occupation spark

Numerous individuals stress over AI in our lives as they believe that toward the end robots will supplant individuals and we won't have occupations for is. In any case. as indicated by Forbes, In 2020, AI will turn into a positive net occupation inspiration, making 2.3M employments while taking out just 1.8M occupations. What's more, we are discussing 2020, just in 2 years, so how about we see what openings it can acquire us 30 years.

IoT innovation will change item structures

As indicated by Forbes, by 2020, IoT innovation will be in 95% of hardware for new item structures. Furthermore, by 2050 it is relied upon to have everything associated with the cloud and to the web.

Space the travel industry: seven days in circle 

As indicated by Business Insider, Space the travel industry could be possible in 2050, however likely just for the affluent. Rocket organizations like Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin and Elon Musk's SpaceX will push the envelope with space travel enough that travel industry will be doable in the year 2050. For instance, "somebody who could stand to pay 100 million quid could go through seven days in circle… yet it would just be for rich individuals in 2050." he said. "It won't be something that is modest at any point in the near future."

Self-driving autos will make driving more secure 

In spite of the accidents including self-driving vehicles that have hit the features these years, this region of AI could significantly lessen passings and wounds on our streets. As per a report by Stanford University, not exclusively will self-driving vehicles lessen traffic related passings and wounds, yet they could achieve changes in our ways of life also. We will possess more energy for ourselves.

Additionally, the expanded solace and diminished subjective burden with self-driving autos and shared transportation may influence where individuals decide to live.

Accuse your iphone of the intensity of a plant 

Did you realize that you can accuse your iphone of the intensity of a plant? Woods can turn into the vitality stations of things to come. Presently it is getting conceivable, for instance, Bioo is a perfect tech organization equipped for creating power from plant's photosynthesis. Here you can watch a video to find out about it.

Sea Thermal Energy can take us to 100% sustainable power source 

Sea warm vitality, is a to a great extent undiscovered asset, and one of the world's biggest sustainable power sources. For instance, at this moment Bluerise is dealing with making a vitality achievement by creating utility scale power through Ocean warm vitality transformation. It will have the option to outcompete non-renewable energy source based age and different renewables that require capacity and lattice adjusting. It will assume a vital job later on vitality blend being one of the not many steady vitality sources, accessible day and night, all year.

EU will confront a deficiency of 800,000 IT laborers by 2020 

There is an enormous interest for designers in Europe, yet most IT training is exclusively accessible in English. With 24 authority dialects spoken in Europe alone, it's nothing unexpected that non-local English speakers want to learn in their own language. Anyway you can begin seeing many coding institutes, schools and colleges concentrated uniquely on preparing junior engineers for explicit organizations' interest, being it a language, a training, and so forth. Despite the fact that this issue won't be tackled by 2020, with these new IT colleges and institutes, we can fix the circumstance by 2050.

Automaton answer for finding immaculate spots 

Somewhere down in underground mines, a few zones are out of reach. In any case, organization like Inkonova began to chip away at constructs rambles that fly, drive and climb and use laser innovation to filter zones, and make a 3D guide of them. With this propelling flying apply autonomy innovation we will have the option to push human reach to any space immaculate by man-made foundation.

Scientists also made a discovery in the operation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers, which may result in data transfer at a pace of 100 gigabits per second— over a thousand times faster than a 100 megabit-a-second medium Ethernet.

What sets terahertz quantum cascade lasers apart from other lasers is the fact that they produce light from the electromagnetic spectrum in the terahertz scale. They have spectroscopy uses, where they are used in chemical research.
Eventually the lasers will also have ultra-fast, short-hop wireless connections where massive datasets have to be transported through hospital campuses or across university testing facilities— or in satellite communications.

The lasers need to be modulated very rapidly to be able to transmit data at such accelerated speeds: flipping on and off, or pulsing around 100 billion times a second.
Until now, engineers and scientists have struggled to find a way to do this.

A research team from Leeds University and Nottingham University claim they have discovered a way to produce ultra-fast modulation by integrating the strength of light and acoustic waves. Today (11 February) they reported their observations in Nature Communications.
John Cunningham, Professor of Nanoelectronics at Leeds, said: "It is fascinating work. Today, the method for the modulation of a quantum cascade laser is electrically powered— but that device has drawbacks. Interestingly, the same electronics that produce the modulation typically place a cap on the modulation speed.
A laser with a quantum cascade is very effective. When an electron travels into the laser's optical portion, it goes through a sequence of' quantum wells' where the electron's energy density decreases, releasing a photon or burst of light energy.

Each electron has the ability to produce several photons. Throughout modulation it is this mechanism that is regulated.
The study teams at Leeds and Nottingham Universities used acoustic waves instead of utilizing external circuitry to vibrate the quantum wells within the laser quantic cascade.

The effect of a pulse from another laser on an aluminum film produced the acoustic waves. It prompted the video to extend and compress, transmitting a mechanical wave across the laser quantic cascade.